
Industries, Inc., LarMar Services LLC, GenPro LLC and HiPower Systems Oklahoma LLC, (hereinafter referred to as The Company) are Equal Opportunity Employers. Race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, marital or veteran status, place of national origin and other categories protected by law are not factors in employment, promotion, compensation or working conditions.


    Your Name

    Social Security

    Email Address

    Cell Phone

    Do you have a valid driver's license?




    Have you ever applied to, or worked for The Company before?

    If yes, when?

    Do you have any friends or relatives working for The Company?

    If yes, state name and relationship

    How did you hear about us/this opening?

    State briefly why you would like to work for The Company

    Have you ever been convicted of a felony (excluding any sealed or expunged convictions)?

    (NOTE: No applicant will be denied employment solely on the grounds of a conviction of a criminal offense. The nature of the offense, the date of the offense, the surrounding circumstances and the relevance of the offense to the position(s) applied for may, however, be considered.)

    If yes, explain and include date(s)

    General Information About Employment Desired

    Position you are applying for?

    Full-time or part-time?

    If part-time, hours per week desired

    Are you available for work on weekends?

    Are you available to work holidays?

    Days of week you are available to work

    Days of week you are available to work

    Are you available to be on-call?

    Are you available to work nights?

    Are you available to work overtime

    If hired, on what date could you start work?

    Full-time or part-time?

    Are you able to travel on company business?

    % time willing to travel

    Hourly rate of pay or monthly salary desired

    Education and Training (include on-the-job training)

    High School / Community Colleg / Trade School / College/University /Seminars/Other

    High School / Community Colleg / Trade School / College/University /Seminars/Other

    High School / Community Colleg / Trade School / College/University /Seminars/Other

    Special Skills

    Do you speak, write or understand any foreign languages?

    If yes, which language(s)?

    Do you have any experience, training, qualifications or skills, which you feel make you especially suited for work at The Company?

    Computer skills

    Use the space below to summarize other relevant experience, skills and background

    List all previous employers starting with your present or most recent position (last 10 years is sufficient) below.

    Name of Company

    Name of Supervisor


    Position and Duties

    Dates of Employment

    Starting Rate of Pay

    Ending Rate of Pay

    Reason for Leaving